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Station of Despair, Trial 1 (Complete)
"Well, I mean if you REALLY want to try to debate your way out of a murder literally everyone saw...actually, no, this is always my favorite part."

"Well, we've wasted enough time here I think, it's time to get on with it...oh, that's right, you'll all actually want the display screen for this."

With that, the screen came down again.  "Phoebe Buzz of Station Despair, animal caretaker, I've devised an extra special punishment for you.  For committing the atrocity of murder, it's time to meet your maker!"  And with that, the cyborg slammed down on a big red button near his chair.

Phoebe Buzz has been found guilty!  It's time for punishment!

Everyone stands in awe, surprise, or worry as they watch over the entire room, worried about what's about to happen...when the floor under Phoebe suddenly collapses, throwing her down a delivery chute.  Noises can be heard all around the station as the display screen begins to show an unfamiliar that Hydroponics?

Inside is an unhappy looking bee tied to a ludicrously tiny chain, forced to stay in a spot with a bright red X painted on the grass...where phoebe immediately gets shot to from the ceiling, face first right on top with a large impact, killing it.  She gets up, just barely assessing the situation and noticing significantly more unchained really angry bee friends.  They start to gather around as a terribly frightened and sobbing Phoebe slowly gets backed to the corner and...suddenly, the cyborg starts holding up a sign to the, your computer monitor?

It reads "Ya know, I may be a cyborg that really likes to drive people to murder, but vilifying bees seems to be in poor taste.  SO I dunno, let's say a bear mauled her or something, just between you and me.  Okay?"  After a few seconds, the cyborg stops defying the laws of physics to reveal Phoebe twitching on the ground, the bees going back to their business...

"He he he he he...Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!  Oh man, that felt good.  It felt so good, I wanna do it again...Come on, I wanna, I wanna!"  With that, the cyborg jams the button down again, but...nothing happens.

"Oh well.  To be honest, these kind of things SHOULD only be enjoyed once every so often.  I'd enjoy it less if I could just kill someone whenever, wouldn't I?  Know what I mean?  It's like getting what's clearly the greatest flavor of ice cream every day.  Eventually you start questioning if it really is all that great."
"Huh, remin'me to gesssome beess"
Large mutters.
He pours his glass of acid on his podium, melting it.
"Looks like it's hip to get fucked by bees."

Dan stuffs the pitcher back in her pocket.

"Hey Butt, I think you're getting played."
"...yeah, you know, I warned you about melting shit, so it's becoming a rule now."


"...what do ya mean I can't make that a rule?  I'm getting tired of........."

The borg stood silent for a sec.

"......oooohhhh, I get it.  Yes, that is rather interesting.  All right, I'm adding a rule for it later.  In the mean time, stop melting the station."

With that, the borg got off of its chair.  "Well, you're all free to go for now then.  I'll call ya here again once we get another trial set up, okay?"

"In the mean time, I don't give a shit about what you do but you can't stay......Hold that thought...I promised a reward.  All right, since the killing games are officially started, everyone gets a nice little upgrade to their map."

Each of the handbooks make a beep shortly after the cyborg mentions this.  "Now, where was I?  Uh...oh yeah.  *ahem*  I don't care where you go, but you can't stay here.  Making me have to replace a stupid pedestal.  No good humans.



"Things have made some pretty good progress, haven't they?  I'm actually rather surprised how quickly things are going to be personally honest...though I have to ask, among a few other things.  As interesting as it is to watch these things kill each other, what exactly are we trying to accomplish again?"


"No, it's fine, I guess.  I just don't...get it?  But whatever.  That isn't important..."

"...should I tell them?  What would it even accomplish if I.........ooooohhhhh.  Yes, I see.  Perhaps I should stop thinking of order..."

"A little more chaos would end up being helpful, wouldn't it.  I guess...first thing tomorrow would be good..."

To be continued...

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