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Pharmacy needs a change (And a few medbay changes)
(Taken from a general discussion: )

It seems most people even myself want pharmacy to change or be removed all together.
While removal will simply make medbay badger chemists of science for a high supply of chems each round that it becomes a new norm.

I do not think Pharmacy it self needs to be removed, simply changed.
As mentioned in the same topic. Greytiding in cog1 is a problem for doctors as staffy mcstaffson and several crewmates all have a 1st aid kit with them.
This was removed as an item for security for this reason that security is too busy being doctor then the doctor.

On the flip side on RP, People come into medbay, get mended and injected and move on. It doesn't really involve doctors being doctors as well. Infact it causes an annoyance where if someone has a lil booboo and wants it healed.. they run into medbay , someone opens the door and the SHOVENING COMMENCES! I have had so many times where I couldn't treat a patient cause I got shoved. If I move em to a room I could, but some medbays (Looking at you Oshan treatment rooms) have these rooms too far away from locations where I can reach medicine I might need.

So what do I recommend? A few things to be honest. Like if you don't have medical training trait, you can fail to use menders and injections or make em less effective. Only auto injectors work for you or patches for sure. But that's another suggestion.

What I recommend is that the frontdesk and the pharmacy become the same location and the pharmacy will have supplies for patches, mannitols, mutadone and auto injectors. Aka medicine for the normal crewman mc-crewson to use.
The reason why I want to make it the front desk too is because most pharmacies are right next to it to begin with (cept like 2) and also the scanners on the front desk are always used by patients to self diagnose... then the doctor health scans em anyway and treats them.
So insted the scanner can now be used by a "pharmacist" from behind the desk and see what they need. Give them the patch, injectors or pills they need. Or even give them a 1st aid kit. Since the supply for them are now in pharmacy.

I don't think pharmacy needs to be chemistry but in medbay. But it needs to be what it truely is. A place where medicine is stored and given for treatment for basic use.
When do you go to a doctor? When you are really sick and need to be checkd up on.
When do you go to a pharmacy? When a doctor gives you a prescription or if you need to get medicine for minor things like a migraine.

I also want to change are the medical check points on the station. Simply put... have them be small pharmacy locations insted of a miniture medbay.
Sure you still have 1st aid kits there to stablize someone. But I can see these spots then being raided for supplies. So insted make it so the supplies are in a dispenser only doctors (or the returning Pharmacist role) can acces.

And that's what I think.. but removal is also an option. I just think pharmacy has a place in the game, but not as medbays personal chem supplier, but as the people's go to place to get medicine.
Kinda like the kitchen and bar to get your food and drinks for free or cheap then a vending machine, same goes to pharmacy (but for now without any mixing and matching)

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