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Reintroduce Werewolf - Sundance - 11-24-2017


Awoo n stuff. Werewolves have been in code for a very long time and I feel they should make a resurgence.

The issue with werewolf is that it seems too similar to wrestler, only it has less of the ability to deal with multiple targets and is far more obvious. Even with it's significant enchanced abilities, it's appearence makes it a huge target and lacks being able to quickly remove itself from the situation. Still it's an interesting antagonist that already has work on it, and with a few select abilities could be put into mixed mode as a unpleasant surprise.

That time of the Month again.

Something to distinguish the werewolf from your average antagonist is to view it in the traditional sense that it is a curse. It's a dangerous, but somewhat sympthetic antagonist.

1. The player doesn't immedietely know they're a werewolf at roundstart.
Instead, they will transform into a werewolf randomly between the 10-20 minute mark. You could be casually be watering your plants or serving drinks and you'd get a red message stating "You feel feral", etc, and after 5-10 seconds you transform. You get a message stating that you are now an antagonist and have the objective to maul the shit out of people. Tough luck if you were planning on being civil, but there may be a way out of the madness...

2. You can forgo your werewolf round, at the cost of turning someone else into a werewolf.
I totally understand that the above might sour one's round if they want to be normal, so after transforming you have ability to do the above. The ability is not apparent to the victim (similar to the vampire's grave touch), and they do not transform immedietely. This allows you to bite someone, retreat and transform back when it's time.


The werewolfs objectives are fairly straightfoward. Maul X amount of people. However there is two curveballs that may occur alongside this objective:

1. Maul x amount of people OR maul 1 vampire:
Werewolves hate vamps with such vitriol they don't even know why. Could be because they're dead and they want the bones inside them. Werewolves can choose to murder the shit out of a vampire and this would bypass their need to maul a number of people.

2. Escape alive as a werewolf OR pass on your disease
This one or the other scenario. Coupled with the above, you'd need to maul a few peeps before doing so otherwise you'll fail the first objective if you only do the second.

Abilities, both passive & active

Werewolves are already a powerhouse in terms of passive abilities (see the link above), infact it's probably toe to toe with the ling in terms of these. I don't feel the need to change any of that. However a few extra active abilities would be nice.

Maul: Already there. Nothing needs to change, but perhaps it needs a cooldown in light of other abilities.

Transform: Unlocked after the first transformation (that is, turning to a werewolf and reverting back again). Long cooldown.

Spread disease: As described above. Use this ability to forgo your werewolf round or complete the required objective by inflicting it on another.

Pounce: This is almost exactly the same as the genetic jumpy ability, however it inflicts damage upon contact. A good offensive but also defensive.

Gnash: Similar to the wreslers throw ability, however it does not need a grab to do it, instead doing it with your mouth. The gnash is two part, clicking on the target with gnash bites them, essentially cuffing them as they cannot move. Then clicking on the screen afterward allows you to throw them in the intended direction. However it's totally possible to pin them down with gnash and wait for a good time to fling them, waiting for your other abilities to charge.

Tainted saliva: This is a defensive/offensive ability. It transfers poison in the werewolves bloodstream and puts it in its saliva. The next aggresive move will transfer all the poison to the inflicted person. It has a very long cooldown which means the werewolf may need to be picky when to use this ability.

Howl: This is a defensive ability. It's very similar to macho man's defensive stance, which does the following:
- It extinguishes all fire.
- They will actively dodge, even if not in disarm intent.
- It increases the dodge rate significantly.
- You are unable however to maul during this period.
Use this if you are cornered and/or on fire, but not if you're on the offensive.

Thoughts? Opinions?

I'd be happy to provide sprites for the above ability buttons. Before expressing your opinion, please note that I am trying to make werewolf both an interesting standalone (the fact it's unknown at roundstart, hatred for vamps) antagonist, but also easy to impliment, with abilites similar to other antagonists, particularly concerning defensive due to the massive target on its back.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Cirrial - 11-24-2017

Sundance I love your posts and it is a goddamn shame there are not more hours in the day for me or other coders to work on your ideas. (instead i selfishly and maniacally work on a bullshit idea i never even posted to the ideas forum that no one wanted, boo, #endcodersupremacy)

I usually tend to frown at conversion antagonists (which is kind of ironic given that I'm working on an antagonist that converts the station, but that's not what I mean) but the idea of passing antag status on instead of just making more and more of the crew antags is intriguing. I'll see how other people weigh in on this, though, because this is definitely not something I've seen done before.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Frank_Stein - 11-24-2017

One thing I'd like to see in a werewolf: Neigh invulnerablity in wolf form

Maybe being in wolf form starts a timer, that starts ticking down and turns you back into a human when it reaches zero

Using some powers removes time, and eating people adds time.

Instead of standard damage, getting hurt as a wolf also removes time.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - NateTheSquid - 11-24-2017

i love this

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Noah Buttes - 11-24-2017

I love this.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Ed Venture - 11-24-2017

I also love this.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Technature - 11-24-2017

This I love.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - locusts - 11-24-2017

I like this and as the person who wrote the vampire overhaul thread I like the way it takes that into account. If werewolf is brought back into rotation like this, then along with the objective for the werewolf to maul the vampire, maybe the vampire should get an objective to enthrall or kill the werewolf?

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - warcrimes - 11-24-2017

and then one crewmember has to fall in love with both of them.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - ferriswheel1 - 11-24-2017

(11-24-2017, 01:59 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: and then one crewmember has to fall in love with both of them.


Great idea as usual though, Sundance. I'd suggest the werewolves be given a vulnerability to syreline (Or the space-silver equivalent which I can't remember).

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - babayetu83 - 11-24-2017

surely the chaplain would have access to anti were-wolf weaponry or some new item that spawns in every round and is only useful if there's a werewolf around/have their jumpsuit and bible lined with silver

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - SoniTeh1 - 11-24-2017

Maybe give the detective 2 rounds of silver ammo and the chaplain gets a silver rod. should be the only 2 defenses and the rest should be your run of the mill gas tank and screwdriver. (and tasers phasers etc)

finally someone talks about werewolves. great idea, should be implemented.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Kodos - 11-24-2017

I love this. I actually kind of want to second the idea of silver doing something against them. I suppose a few ways this can be done are
1. Instead of simply removing time, silver weapons do actual, normal or heightened, damage to a werewolf regardless of form?
2. When killed by any means besides silver or gibbing, the werewolf will reanimate shortly after being killed, or something. Changeling headspider style, sorta.

Although, then again, we don't have to stake vampires (maybe we should?) so I imagine 1 is more in line with the current game.

But given that silver exists and we have that whole amterial system and whatnot, yeah, I kind of feel like silver shuold do *something*

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Hulk Hogan - 11-24-2017

(11-24-2017, 06:26 AM)Sundance Wrote:

That time of the Month again.

Something to distinguish the werewolf from your average antagonist is to view it in the traditional sense that it is a curse. It's a dangerous, but somewhat sympthetic antagonist.

1. The player doesn't immedietely know they're a werewolf at roundstart.
Instead, they will transform into a werewolf randomly between the 10-20 minute mark. You could be casually be watering your plants or serving drinks and you'd get a red message stating "You feel feral", etc, and after 5-10 seconds you transform. You get a message stating that you are now an antagonist and have the objective to maul the shit out of people. Tough luck if you were planning on being civil, but there may be a way out of the madness...

I don't like that. It would be extremely easy for the crew to hunt you down. You could be in Hydroponics and the AI could spot you when you transform, and you get bolted inside, and the AI alerts the crew. If you get turned into one in public, the crew would hunt you down and kill you in a mob. If you are stuck as a werewolf then good luck at being sneaky and not getting killed. The AI will actively hunt you down because you wouldn't be human and the crew will search and destroy. If you could transform at will, then it would be not so bad. You could kill people, transform into a human again, hide without being suspicious, then kill again. Being a werewolf all the time makes it harder to be sneaky.

RE: Reintroduce Werewolf - Frank_Stein - 11-24-2017

Personally, I'd prefer if you never had control over when you turn, but get a good warning before and after to try and find a private spot.

But I dunno how practical that'd be in a real round

And I figure a werewolf would only be non-human in their wolf form