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[Feature] Brewable burritos and snack cakes - Printable Version

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[Feature] Brewable burritos and snack cakes - Noah Buttes - 03-23-2017

What this patch does:
  • Enables individuals to brew discount dan burritos and snack cakes using the barman's portable still. 
  • Establishes an easily extensible framework for expansion to other future dan items
  • Not create an infinite burrito loop like the first version of the patch did
  • Be incredibly gross

Known compatibility issues:
None except for weak stomachs.

How to expand to other dan products:

Include something akin to the following underneath the product:

brewable = 1
brew_result = list("sewage", "ethanol")

Then just add the product's path to this:

if (istype(W,/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/snack_cake) || istype(W,/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burrito))



RE: [Feature] Brewable burritos and snack cakes - aft2001 - 03-23-2017

absolutely disgusting.


RE: [Feature] Brewable burritos and snack cakes - Studenterhue - 03-23-2017

it's beautiful

it belongs in the Floorpills museum

RE: [Feature] Brewable burritos and snack cakes - Nnystyxx - 03-23-2017


i love it!

RE: [Feature] Brewable burritos and snack cakes - Burrito Justice - 03-24-2017

This is gross and so am I.
I approve

RE: [Feature] Brewable burritos and snack cakes - HotCoffeeMug - 03-24-2017


and yes.